Sunday, February 5, 2012

The hour of need

When means become more significant
Than the ends they wish to serve;
When the journey becomes the epic,
And the destination is long forgotten;

When today ensnares you in its cobwebs,
And you let go of the dreams of tomorrow;
When all that you do in the present,
Is dream about the romantic past;

When no glorious sunrise or blissful sunset,
Offers hope for a peaceful end or a new beginning;
When the sail in the middle of the sea is home,
The meaning of shore ceases to exist.

It is then, you learn that the true bearing of life
Is this never ending quest and constant strife.
There is no final goal to which we proceed;
We all lose our selves to the hour of need.


  1. hmmm true i must say .. if only we knew all this and KNOW the hour of the need


  2. Self-centeredness is the root of my problems--if I could just 'see' down the trail a piece, well, would things be different? Maybe. Probably not.

    Sometimes I believe the final goal IS every minute of my day.

    Nice piece. And....PEACE, Kav!

  3. thank you Steve and Bikram for writing in!

  4. That last you have there... It keeps coming back to me. It is going to stay with me for a while..
    We lose ourselves in the hour of need..!

    I love that the frequency of poems has gone up :d


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